Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bananas Foster Buns

Diane’s Buns

1 Tbsp dry yeast

1/2 cup warm water

1 tsp sugar

2 cups cold water

2 cups cold milk

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp butter

4 tsp salt

6-7 cups of flour

Combine yeast, 1 tsp sugar and 1/2 cup warm water, let stand for 10 minutes.

Scald milk, add sugar, butter and salt, stir until sugar has dissolved and butter has melted.

Add the cold water, stir and the mixture should now be lukewarm. Add yeast mixture, stir to combine, then gradually stir in 6 cups of flour, (add the seventh nearer the end, while kneading). The dough should be smooth and soft. Knead the dough until elastic, roughly 10 minutes. Place the dough in a large, greased bowl, cover and let rise until doubled in bulk, roughly 2 hours. Punch down the dough and use for whatever you like, especially Bananas Foster Buns or Sticky Cinnamon Buns...

Bananas Foster Buns

1/4 dough

2 medium bananas, one chopped, one mashed

1/4 cup butter, spreadable

1 cup brown sugar, plus a handful or so

3-4 Tbsp rum, or rum extract, plus a splash or two

1 cup golden corn syrup

Preheat oven to 350℉.

Pour corn syrup into the bottom of a rectangular baking pan, big enough to fit all the buns once cut and placed face side up (or down, really it’s the same thing). Splash a little rum in there if you please, and a nice sprinkling of brown sugar also. (I didn’t when I made them, but soon realized what an awesome addition that would have been once I pulled apart my first delicious bun!)

Roll out the dough on a slightly floured surface, to roughly 1/2” thick rectangle.

Combine rum and brown sugar. Spread butter, then mashed banana on the dough, followed by brown sugar and rum mixture, finally topped with the chopped bananas. Roll the dough lengthwise, pinching the seam to seal. I like to cut the small nubbly bits before cutting the rolls, usually I just bake them off and eat them straight away, without an ounce of guilt. But you can do as you please. Cut roll into twelve buns and place cut side up/down into the corn syrup lined pan.

Bake until golden brown and fragrant! Try not to over bake them otherwise your buns will dry out and be really hard (effectively ruining the buns - and now, who wants that?!) Invert the pan onto a plate immediately, careful though some syrup might spill. Eat immediately while still hot! That is an order! ... oh I suppose you don’t have to, but they are the best that way!


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